
The MEBES option allows you to read in MEBES formatted data. The MEBES translator supports the following MEBES file formats:

  • Mode I
  • Mode II
  • Extended Mode
  • Reticle Mode
  • Mode 5

    After translation, the IC data can be displayed using the slam-view or slam-edit products. The MEBES translator is available as an option to either product. You can plot your IC with the addition of the plot option.
    Advantages of the Stabie-Soft translator include:
  • Very low cost.
  • Lock the result data.
  • Compare visually to gds.
  • Reads JB file.
  • Plotting available as an option.

    MEBES and Mode 5 are registered trademarks of Etec Systems Inc., an Applied Materials company.
  • ©2011 Stabie-Soft, Inc. All Rights Reserved.