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# Change all cells in a library from XXX_cellName to # YYY_cellName and change the references to the cells. ### These procedures assume that all cells are in the one library. # Or at least all cells having the given prefix are in one library. # You may extend these procedures to do various library cell name # changes # This first procedure scans all instance and instance array objects in the # specified cell. If the an instance references a cell whose first n # characters match old, then the reference is modified to reference a # cell replacing the cellname's "old" prefix with the "new" prefix. # The length of the "old" and "new" prefix need not be the same. proc alterPrefix { cellId old new } { edbSeq instId $cellId instance { set inst [edbFetchObject $cellId $instId] set masterId [lAssocFetch $inst masterId] set minfo [edbFetchObject $cellId $masterId] set mName [lAssocFetch $minfo cellName] set match [string first $old $mName] if { $match == 0 } { set ln [string length $old] set newCellName [format "%s%s" $new [string range $mName $ln end]] edbModifyObject $cellId $instId -cellName $newCellName } } edbSeq instId $cellId instanceArray { set inst [edbFetchObject $cellId $instId] set masterId [lAssocFetch $inst masterId] set minfo [edbFetchObject $cellId $masterId] set mName [lAssocFetch $minfo cellName] set match [string first $old $mName] if { $match == 0 } { set ln [string length $old] set newCellName [format "%s%s" $new [string range $mName $ln end]] edbModifyObject $cellId $instId -cellName $newCellName } } } # This second procedure is the driver procedure. # It wants 3 arguments. The first is the name of the library to # be modified. The 2nd is the prefix of the cells currently. The # last argument is the new prefix. Invoke the procedure by # sourcing this file and then entering # copyAndAlter # As always, we recommend you tar a copy of the library # prior to issue'ing these procedures that make large changes # to the library. proc changeCellPrefix { libName old new } { # find or open the library set libId [edbFindLibraryId $libName] if { $libId == 0 } { set libId [edbOpenLibrary $libName w] } # get the list of matching cells set clist [edbGetLibCellIndex $libId $old* lay -globCell -cellOnly] set ln [string length $old] # Create a copy of each cell with a matching prefix foreach cellName $clist { set cellId [edbFindCellId $libId $cellName lay] if { $cellId == 0 } { set cellId [edbOpenCell $libId $cellName lay] } set newCellName [format "%s%s" $new [string range $cellName $ln end]] puts "Copy cell $cellName to $newCellName" edbCopyCell $libId $cellId $newCellName lay } # phase II updates all the references after all the cells have been created set clist [edbGetLibCellIndex $libId $new* lay -globCell -cellOnly] foreach cellName $clist { puts "Alter instances of cell $cellName" set cellId [edbFindCellId $libId $cellName lay] alterPrefix $cellId $old $new } }

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