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Below is the verilog followed by the spice for a simple 2 level schematic hierarchy. The schematics include the top level schematic and2Group and 2 lower level schematics inv and nand2. Note the and2Group uses both bus'ed wires and iterated instances.

// Stabie-Soft Verilog Netlist generator. // Create time: Tue Sep 30 12:35:48 2008 // Created by user private // Level 3 cells // Level 2 cells // Converted from library foo cell nand2 view sch // Last modified on Fri Mar 31 12:53:55 2006 module nand2 (vdd, A, B, Y, vss); inout vdd; input A; input B; output Y; inout vss; wire _n0; nmos M1 (Y, _n0, A, vss); pmos M2 (Y, vdd, A, vdd); nmos M3 (_n0, vss, B, vss); pmos M4 (Y, vdd, B, vdd); endmodule // Converted from library foo cell inv view sch // Last modified on Mon Jun 16 09:13:00 2003 module inv (vdd, A, Y, vss); inout vdd; input A; output Y; inout vss; nmos M1 (Y, vss, A, vss); pmos M2 (Y, vdd, A, vdd); endmodule // Level 1 cells // Converted from library foo cell and2Group view sch // Last modified on Tue Sep 30 12:35:43 2008 module and2Group (vdd, Y, YBUF, YBUS, A, B, vss); inout vdd; output Y; output YBUF; output [0:3] YBUS; input A; input B; inout vss; wire _n1; wire [0:3] bus; nand2 X2 (.vdd(vdd), .A(A), .Y(_n1), .vss(vss), .B(B)); inv X3 (.vdd(vdd), .A(_n1), .Y(Y), .vss(vss)); nand2 \IX[0] (.vdd(vdd), .A(A), .B(B), .Y(bus[0]), .vss(vss)); nand2 \IX[1] (.vdd(vdd), .A(A), .B(B), .Y(bus[1]), .vss(vss)); nand2 \IX[2] (.vdd(vdd), .A(A), .B(B), .Y(bus[2]), .vss(vss)); nand2 \IX[3] (.vdd(vdd), .A(A), .B(B), .Y(bus[3]), .vss(vss)); nmos M1 (YBUF, vss, Y, vss); pmos M2 (YBUF, vdd, Y, vdd); inv \X5[0] (.vdd(vdd), .A(bus[0]), .Y(YBUS[0]), .vss(vss)); inv \X5[1] (.vdd(vdd), .A(bus[1]), .Y(YBUS[1]), .vss(vss)); inv \X5[2] (.vdd(vdd), .A(bus[2]), .Y(YBUS[2]), .vss(vss)); inv \X5[3] (.vdd(vdd), .A(bus[3]), .Y(YBUS[3]), .vss(vss)); endmodule ========================================================================================= ******************************SPICE****************************************************** ========================================================================================= ** Stabie-Soft Spice Netlist generator. ** Create time: Tue Sep 30 14:26:22 2008 ** Created by user private ** Level 3 cells ** Level 2 cells ** Last schematic mod time March 31 2006 12:53:55 ** Last symbol mod time June 16 2003 09:21:54 ** Netlisted from nand2 view sch ** library foo /home/private/test1/secoursExample .SUBCKT nand2 vdd A B Y vss ****** sub circuit body ****** M1 Y A _n0 vss NMOS W=5e-07 L=1.5e-07 M=2 M3 _n0 B vss vss NMOS W=5e-07 L=1.5e-07 M=2 M2 Y A vdd vdd PMOS W=5e-07 L=1.5e-07 M=4 M4 Y B vdd vdd PMOS W=5e-06 L=2.5e-07 M=2 .ENDS ** Last schematic mod time June 16 2003 09:13:00 ** Last symbol mod time May 07 2003 13:08:30 ** Netlisted from inv view sch ** library foo /home/private/test1/secoursExample .SUBCKT inv vdd A Y vss ****** sub circuit body ****** M1 Y A vss vss NMOS W=5e-07 L=1.5e-07 M=1 M2 Y A vdd vdd PMOS W=5e-07 L=1.5e-07 M=1 .ENDS ** Level 1 cells ** Last netlist mod time September 30 2008 12:35:43 ** Netlisted from and2Group view sch ** library foo /home/private/test1/secoursExample .SUBCKT and2Group vdd Y YBUF YBUS[0] YBUS[1] YBUS[2] YBUS[3] A B vss ****** sub circuit body ****** X5[0] vdd bus[0] YBUS[0] vss inv X3 vdd _n1 Y vss inv X5[1] vdd bus[1] YBUS[1] vss inv X5[2] vdd bus[2] YBUS[2] vss inv X5[3] vdd bus[3] YBUS[3] vss inv X2 vdd A B _n1 vss nand2 XIX[0] vdd A B bus[0] vss nand2 XIX[1] vdd A B bus[1] vss nand2 XIX[2] vdd A B bus[2] vss nand2 XIX[3] vdd A B bus[3] vss nand2 M1 YBUF Y vss vss NMOS M=1 W=1.2e-06 L=1.5e-07 M2 YBUF Y vdd vdd PMOS W=5e-07 L=1.5e-07 M=1 .ENDS </plaintext> </td> </tr> </table> <p align="left"> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1">&copy;2011 Stabie-Soft, Inc. All Rights Reserved</font>. </p> </body> </html>